Sour Crop Prevention And Treatment

Sour Crop Prevention And Treatment

I received a message from a very concerned friend today.  He had purchased pullets a few weeks ago and noticed this morning that his Lavender Orpington was not acting normal.  She was a bit sluggish and just sitting around.  Upon further investigation he picked her up and noticed that her crop was swollen, gurgling and squishy.   He inquired as to what I thought might be wrong with her.  My first question was, have you fed her a lot of grass lately?  He said funny you ask that, I mowed the yard and  spread a bunch of grass clippings in their run, I thought they would enjoy that.  I knew instantly what was wrong with his little hen, Sour Crop!  When you pick grass for your hens or throw a bunch of clippings into their pen, they can over eat on the grass. When you pick or cut the grass for them they eat pieces that are much bigger than if they were nipping it off themselves, it can cause impacted crop or Sour Crop from the grass making gases and fermentation.  I’ve heard from several people over the years who say what’s wrong with my hen, she won’t eat and her crop is full.  Come to find out, their kids love to pick grass to feed her.  I know it’s fun for kids but it can cause much discomfort for your poultry and in sever cases even death.
Allowing your poultry to free range and pick and nip their own pieces of grass is not a problem and it’s good for them.  The problem happens when we pick large handfuls of long grass that is tough and fibrous or dump a huge amount in the chicken run when they don’t normally have free access to grass.

(you can click on the highlighted links to purchase the products from Amazon that we use on our farm)

So your chicken has Sour Crop now what??  It’s a good idea to separate her or him from the flock for a couple of days, take away the food for a day.  In one gallon of water put 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar With Mother.

This procedure is also a good preventive for Sour Crop.  Put 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar in your water everyday.  Sour crop occurs when there is a disruption in the normal microflora in the crop, usually because of a change in the PH of the digestive system.  Offering them an overload of grass clippings when they don’t normally have access to free ranging can mess up those delicate PH levels.

Another product that I use and recommend to help prevent Sour Crop is UltraCruz Poultry Probiotic.  It comes in a large pail and lasts a long time.   It’s also great to use if  you’ve administered an antibiotic, it has live natural occurring microorganisms.  It not only has probiotics but also prebiotics to help maintain a healthy digestive system in your poultry.  This product is added to the water.  If your using this product in your water don’t add the Apple Cider Vinegar.  It’s probably not a good idea to do both at the same time. 

Yes, that is a lovely grey egg in the photo, courtesy of my F2 Olive egger 🙂

If you have a chicken with Sour Crop and you don’t see improvement after two days it’s a good idea to seek your vets advise he/she my need to prescribe Nystatin or fluconazole for antimicrobial therapy.  Use your best judgment, sometimes it’s best to start with the Veterinarian first.

Hope your having a fabulous summer and don’t pick grass for your chickens let them pick it themselves 🙂  I hope this is blog is helpful.


From the Chicken Tender of Chicken Scratch Poultry.


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