To improved feed digestion capacity and the settable eggs,To provide proper Immunity after Vaccination .To reduce  the stress.


DE worming programmes to be given based on the way.



DE worming  program is suggest in rearing breeders to be reduce the incident and severity of intestinal worms.

Preventive programs to be followed as per the schedule .Clinical sings commonly seen with intestinal worm infestation  include Rough feathering ,Retarded growth pasty  vents ,pale  birds.The DE worming  schedule to be prepared and the same to be displayed in the farm office.The schedule to be update by the  farm in charge .


Type of worm & treatment:-Round worm,Tape worm,Capillary worm,

Location :-Small intestine of the bird,small intestine (Occasionally in ceca),

DESCRIPTION :-Large,  thick ,yellow wish-white  length -50-116 mm,width:-500 um-1.8 mm.

Segmented white ,length and greatly with  species.Hair -like worm  hard to visualize  length-7-8 mm,width-49-80 um .

Intermediate host-None ,Dark ling, beetle Earthworm,Grasshoppers House  ,,stable fly,fly,beetle  Ant

Treatment option :-Levamisole,Hydrochloride,Piperazine ,( DE worming)Albendazole,fenbendazole ,

Based on the schedule  arrange the required amount of medicine .The DE worming  to be done  in as per  the schedule.All DE worming  can be given through feed .But  giving through  feed is more advantage .Time of DE worming ;levamsole at  Early morning feeding time can be given .The medicine mixed water  to be administered in the first feeding  water.

The birds total water cosumption per day is 300ml . We have to maintain 1 by 3 of the quantity in the tank.

E.e 1000 birds×100ml=100 litter of water.

0.8 ml of piperazine/birds×1000 birds=800 ml 

100 lit+600 ml mixed water to be consumed will thin 3 hours.

The n open fresh water from the tank.Avoid  flushing .Avoid allocation of the medicine ,Pour the tank and dawn the drinker/nipple  and ensure the water flow in the drinker system.

Best Management practice:Growers 

Up to 14 weeks give in full feed.The Deworming to be mixed with feed to prepare the wet mash and given to the birds in the morning time in growers for feed mixing ,1 liter water is needed for 4 kg feed .If one room with 500 birds ,piperazine 1:2 ml per birds and feed 60 gm per birds means.500 Birds ×60 GM’s =30 kg feed per room.Need 7.5 litter of water to prepare wet mash.  Then  piperazine need is 500 Birds ×1.2 ml =600ml.

Take 6.9 litter of water +600 ml piperazine and mix in 30 kg feed in that room and Distribute at morning.After 14 weeks In grower you can give 50% of per day feed and 20 gm/birds from tomorrow morning  feed.Prepare wet mash as described above.Distribute to birds at 4 pm evening 

Mixing to be done at the time giving to birds .In grower-Morning & in layer- Evening.To be prepared in front of the individual pens. Spread plastic sheets for the feed mixing.

Collection of worms and disposal 

After 1or 2 hours ,if any worms are found in the shed ,collect and dispose them in to Mortality disposal area.

Key points 

De-worm medicine dosage is as per the recommendation .It is to be done as in SOP.Stess reducing medicines is to be administered before and after completion of de-worming.De-worming should be done before vaccination schedules.


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