My Top Five Chicken Websites and Blogs

My Top Five Chicken Websites and Blogs

Counting My Chickens recently was named one of the top 50 poultry websites and blogs for poultry keepers by Feedspot. This was a nice honor, and it got me thinking about my own favorite online chicken resources. I was pleased to see many of them included on the Feedspot list, so now I’m sharing them with all of you.

My Favorite Chicken Websites and Blogs

Here, in no particular order, are my favorite chicken websites and blogs from the Feedspot list (besides mine, of course):

When I started raising chickens, Lisa Steele was one of the first bloggers I turned to for advice on raising happy, healthy chickens naturally. I keep her book, Fresh Eggs Daily, in the chicken section of my bookshelf. Lisa and I once met up for lunch at a garden bloggers conference, where we spent an entire hour talking about chickens. Now several books and television appearances later, Lisa could someday put a ‘C’ in HGTV. (Home Garden and Chicken TV, now wouldn’t that be fun?)

Randy, a self-proclaimed crazy old chicken guy, raises his flock of hipster chicks in Minnesota. He writes whimsical observations about his birds that impart valuable knowledge based on his chicken keeping experiences. He also tackles topics like why the CDC’s suggestions to prevent salmonella in backyard flocks (all those annoying “don’t kiss your chicken” memes) are stupid (my word, not his) and the plight of battery cage hens. His blog posts are always a great read.

Lisa Murano has been raising chickens for over a decade. She is a licensed poultry technician and her farm is a Natural Poultry Improvement Plan member. Her website imparts knowledge on topics such as hatching chicks and housing chickens, provides solutions to everyday chicken keeping problems, and spreads the general joy of owning poultry. This is an especially good resource if you are interested in raising chickens on a larger scale and/or making money from your efforts.

BYC is a vibrant community of more than 325,000 chicken owners who add about 6,000 new forum posts per day. Rob Ludlow, co-author of Raising Chickens for Dummies and Building Chicken Coops for Dummies, manages the site. Moderators keep things friendly and helpful. Membership to the BYC is free, and offers opportunities to interact with other chicken enthusiasts on such topics as what to feed your chickens, what coop bedding is best and how to treat sour crop.

This site has a special place in my heart since many of my girls originated from the Iowa hatchery. The oldest and largest rare breed hatchery in the U.S., McMurray Hatchery has been in operation since 1917. I love to browse the online catalog and daydream about all the different breeds I could add to my flock (and colors to my egg carton). The hatchery website offers detailed information about hundreds of different poultry breeds, sortable by type, size, egg color, and other attributes. The blog provides news, updates, and information on raising chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and other poultry.

See the complete Feedspot list: Top 50 Poultry Websites and Blogs for Poultry Keepers.

My Top Five Chicken Websites and Blogs

Your Favorite Chicken Websites and Blogs

All backyard chicken owners should have a ready list of resources for chicken care and keeping. Hopefully, Counting My Chickens is one of your go-to online sources for all things chicken. What are some of your other favorite chicken websites and blogs?

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