How to Freeze Fresh Eggs to Use Later – Fresh Eggs Daily® with Lisa Steele
Freeze leftover eggs when you have an excess to use later in the winter when egg production slows down.
When you raise chickens, you know that it’s either feast or famine. Too many eggs during the warmer, longer summer days and fewer or no eggs in the winter.
Just when you need eggs for winter baking, your chickens likely decided to go on their winter break. Leaving you high and dry.
So when I have extra eggs, I like to freeze them, then defrost them to use them for baking, scrambled eggs or omelets through the winter.
Eggs can’t be frozen in the shell or they’ll crack and bust open, so you’ll need to lightly whisk them and then freeze them.
Adding a bit of salt will help keep the texture from getting grainy once they’re defrosted.