Chicken Scratch Poultry: Game Camera

 What’s lurking around the farm? 

Chicken Scratch Poultry: Game Camera

Doe getting up close and personal with the camera 🙂

We like to keep a game camera and move it every few weeks to a new spot on the farm.  We find this beneficial in knowing what kind of varmints are hanging around.  The camera is checked daily and if we see a large amount of raccoons, foxes, skunks, opossum or coyotes hanging around then we know it’s time to take measures to insure the safety of our live stock.

From the photos that the camera has taken over the last couple of months, I feel pretty confident that at this time we aren’t seeing a huge problem.  The only threat right now is a hawk hanging around, which can turn into a problem in a hurry, so we are keeping an eye on it.

This is the only opossum that we’ve seen, so we’ve set a live trap to see if we can’t catch him before he becomes a problem.  Opossum’s love to sneak into the barn just at the time we’re shutting up the farm for the night, we really have to watch for them.

Very nice Buck, who wouldn’t love to see this guy from your deer stand?

We have lots of deer.

Sometimes you can catch a tall slender guy fishing without permission.

Sometimes you don’t know that your sheep have been out running around until you see them on the game camera, imagine our surprise 🙂

And sometimes you just catch your family making memories and a crazy cat flying through the air.

What’s lurking around your farm?

Thanks for stopping in!


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