Chicken Scratch Poultry: Coronation Sussex

Chicken Scratch Poultry: Coronation Sussex

What better way to commemorate the royal wedding than to offer a 30% off sale on the chicken created for royalty so many years ago?  The beautiful Coronation Sussex was created to honor the Coronation of King George.  I like poultry with a history and I think you will too.
This past weekend we watched as the Royal couple Prince Harry and Megan were given the title of Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

The Coronation Sussex are a large heavy breed, they’re impressive in size but even much more impressive in color.  They have a lavender mane and tail on a porcelain white body.

The roosters are non aggressive and hens are friendly.
They’re a good winter time layer and have down like a goose that helps them thrive in cool climates.
Our summers are very hot and humid here in Southern IL and we find that they need a fan during the hottest weeks.  It is quite a sight to watch them stand in front of the fan with wings spread.

Coronation Sussex eggs have a pinkish hue.  

We’ve had the Coronation Sussex breed for around 8 years now and I still find them fascinating!

 Come on over and check out The royal Coronation Sussex.  We’re offering 30% off of Coronation Sussex started pullets and roosters this week.

Have a blessed day!


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