Gumboro disease control: Vaccination of the broilers

Gumboro vaccination programmeUnderstanding the important to block the bursa by a live vaccine, and in this way prevent the build-up of a higher virus pressure, cycle after cycle, and stop the evolution of the IBD virus towards a form that could escape the prevention programme.These are the consequences of the ‘protection against shedding’. In other words, the objectives of a sound Gumboro vaccination programme...

UK: Increasing pressure on retailers to commit to higher welfare for chickens

Animal Welfare charity Compassion in World Farming has created a Spotlight table comparing UK retailers’ policies on indoor-reared fresh chicken against the Better Chicken Commitment.The group argues that despite the sudden flurry of activity amongst UK retailers to commit to reducing stocking density for broiler chickens to 30kg/sqm, M&S and Waitrose remain the only supermarkets to have signed up to the Better Chicken Commitment...

Managing eggshell quality during hot summer days

 In the current scenario when the cost of feed ingredients, especially the prices of soya meal and corn are soaring, counting each penny invested...

Meet the New Girl: Bernice

There’s a new girl in the flock! Bernice Those of you who follow my Facebook page may have seen my post announcing the addition of a...

Grow with your nurturing plant

Methods in Latest Version Similar smocked bodice and full sleeves but also so different from the dress above! I love the lightweight poplin fabric and...

Proper Early Chick Nutrition is Vital for the Development of a Healthy Gut

 Early nutrition plays an important role in the chick’s life cycle. But in reality early feeding is not commonly practised due to multiple reasons...

Working in agriculture industry

Learn more about WordPress Embeds. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a...

Wonder of Bacillus consortium in improving gut health and performance in poultry

Currently, the animal feeding practice includes prophylactic approaches for supporting intestinal health and immunity, to reduce the incidences of dysbiosis, diseases, and the need...

Caring for Chickens in Extreme Weather

Lessons from the Polar Vortex There’s nothing like an extreme weather event to get you rethinking your chicken-keeping practices. The polar vortex event that hit the...

Care, nurture, essentials today

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised...

Water acidifier- select the best one to control water borne infections

Water is the most important nutrient for the overall health and performance of birds.Water intake of poultry is approximately twice that of the intake...

A Chicken Obituary: PetuniaCounting My Chickens

Petunia came to the Counting My Chickens flock on May 11, 2014, and left it on May 31, 2019. She wasn’t one of my original...

The calming effect of the fields

My fall essentials are a solid mix of both high and low end pieces. But when it comes to a luxe, show stopping piece,...

How I got started raising chickens

A chicken from the flock we had in 2011.My parents first started raising chickens in the early 1970s.When I was 6 years old, we...