Last week we had the honour to give our valued customer from Saudi Arabia a warm welcome at our head office, the Venco Campus in The Netherlands. Marcos G. De Freitas (VP), Enzo Faglioni (Breeder Manager) and Tiago Santos (Broiler Manager) from ARASCO SKA stepped inside our egg-shaped building and got a tour through our showroom. Ton van de Ven (Sales Director), Freek Leijten (Product Manager) and Hazem Berri (Area Sales Manager) from the Vencomatic Group made sure it was an unforgettable day for our customer.
ARASCO SKA is one of the top Saudi companies for food supply and security. They maximize the country’s ability, protect the fragile environment and mainly concentrate on serving KSA. Arabian Agricultural Services Company (ARASCO) is one of the leading companies specializing in food supply and food security, greatly contributing to the empowerment of others to produce high quality food for humans and livestock. Their mission is to support food security in a sustainable way within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and in the Middle East.
Innovation hub
Sustainability, innovation, flexibility and transparency are at the core of the unique Venco Campus. The central role of the building is serving as a global hub of knowledge, research and innovation. As innovations and developments are showed in our showroom, our customers also get the chance to deep-dive into the future of poultry farming. Of course, with guidance from one of multiple of our colleagues.
Read more about the Venco Campus
As extend of the visit of ARASCO SKA, they also visited a broiler breeder farm nearby the Venco Campus. This, to make a first-hand experience of our products in practice possible. To see how the products are installed, and how well the birds thrive inside it, it gives the customer the best impression possible. At this broiler breeder farm the Van Gent Nest, Meggsius family and Vencobelt are installed.