Profitable Shells-Maximizing Egg Shell Quality in Production

Profitable Shells-Maximizing Egg Shell Quality in Production
Profitable Shells-Maximizing Egg Shell Quality in Production


In chicken husbandry, anomalies or flaws in the eggshells laid by hens are referred to as eggshell issues. Thin, cracked, or rough-textured shells are a few examples of these problems. Eggshell issues are important to producers because they can lead to worse egg quality, more breaking during handling and shipping, and less marketability. They may also point to underlying health problems in the flock, such as illnesses or nutritional deficits, which must be treated to preserve the general well-being and productivity of the flock.


Factors affecting eggshell quality-

  • Adequate levels of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and other nutrients are important for maintaining strong eggshells.
  • Various breeds of chickens may lay eggs with varying shell quality.
  • The age of the hen is also a very crucial factor as older hens tend to produce eggs with thinner shells.
  • Overcrowding or disturbances can impact shell quality.
  • Various diseases like calcium deficiency and infectious bronchitis decrease shell thickness.
  • High heat, humidity levels, and lighting can affect eggshell quality.
  • Proper housing, hygiene, and handling practices can impact eggshell integrity.
  • Access to clean water is essential for eggshell formation.

Common eggshell problems-

  • Thin shells-Poor shell development or a calcium deficit are the causes of thin shells.
  • Rough shells-rough shells are result of dietary deficiencies, viral illnesses, or environmental stresses.
  • Soft shells: Usually the result of inadequate calcium absorption or a lack of vitamin D.
  • Misshapen shells: May result from stress during egg development may be hereditary.
  • Dirty shells: Caused by unclean habits or contaminated nesting locations.
  • Cracked shells: Result from hard treatment, insufficient nesting supplies, or calcium abnormalities.
  • Double yolks: Usually the result of genetics or hormonal abnormalities, they occur when two yolks are discharged into the oviduct at the same time.
  • Shell-less eggs: Occurrences related to the reproductive system or disturbances in the egg-laying process.

Diagnosis and management-

  • Usually, a combination of visual inspection, physical examination, and laboratory testing is used to diagnose eggshell issues. Checking for irregularities in eggshell appearance, such as roughness, fissures, malformations, or discoloration.
  • Examining eggs by palpating them to determine the thickness and strength of their shells and to feel for any irregularities in the eggshell membrane. examining eggshell pieces under a microscope to look for indications of structural flaws or abnormalities.
  • Measuring the thickness of eggshells with specialist equipment to help detect weak or thin shells. testing in the lab to determine the calcium content, density of the shell, and mineral makeup in order to determine the quality of the shell.
  • examining environmental circumstances, management techniques, and food in order to determine the possible causes of eggshell issues.
  • Blood and tissue samples may be examined in cases of suspected nutritional deficits or metabolic diseases in order to determine any underlying problems influencing the development of eggshells. evaluating the existence of microorganisms or infections that could compromise the quality of eggshells.
  • use X-rays to check eggs for structural flaws or interior anomalies that could be a factor in issues with the eggshell. Endoscopy can occasionally be performed to look inside a bird’s reproductive system in order to find possible problems that could be influencing the development of its eggshells.
  • Several tactics are used to manage eggshell issues in chicken production in order to maintain the flock’s well-being and output. For the creation of eggshells, it is essential to provide a balanced diet that contains sufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D3, and other essential nutrients.
  • Make sure the feed is designed with laying hens’ unique requirements in mind. Give the chickens access to a separate feeder containing a calcium source, such oyster shell or limestone, so they can eat it as needed to produce shells.
  • Make sure the water the birds drink is pure and uncontaminated because bad water can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the eggshells.
  • Keep the poultry house at the ideal temperature, humidity, and ventilation levels to reduce stress in the birds, as this might affect the quality of the eggshells.
  • Keep the poultry house at the ideal temperature, humidity, and ventilation levels to reduce stress in the birds, as this might affect the quality of the eggshells.
  • Establish a stringent biosecurity program to stop the spread of illnesses like Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis that can decrease eggshell quality. Through selective breeding efforts, specific chicken breeds or strains recognized for high-quality eggshells are selected. During egg collection, grading, and transportation, handle the eggs with caution to prevent harm to their shells.
  • To see any patterns or problems that need to be addressed, regularly check the condition of the eggshell and maintain thorough records of egg production and shell quality.

Economic impact-

  • In the poultry industry, eggshell issues can have a big financial impact on farmers. Eggs with weak or faulty shells are more likely to break when being handled, transported, and stored, which can directly cost money because the eggs are less marketable.
  • Furthermore, because of their inferior quality, these eggs might sell for less money if they make it to market. Indirect expenses may also include handling and sorting damaged eggs more labor-intensively and possible health risks in the event that the eggs are infected.
  • Producers frequently spend time on strategies to enhance shell quality, including dietary modifications, environmental restrictions, and genetic selection, in an effort to lessen these effects.

Future directions and research needs-

  • Study how nutrition—such as calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and trace minerals—affects the development of eggshells. Shell abnormalities can be avoided by being aware of the ideal nutrient levels and balance.
  • In order to produce chicken with better eggshell quality attributes, keep researching genetic selection techniques. This entails finding genetic markers linked to robust shells and applying them to breeding initiatives.
  • Examine how environmental stresses including humidity, temperature swings, and lighting affect the quality of eggshells. Stressors can have a minimal impact on egg production by being identified and managed.
  • Examine the connection between eggshell quality, illness prevalence, and poultry health. Finding illnesses or health problems that affect shell integrity and creating preventative and therapeutic measures should be the main goals of research.
  • Examine various housing arrangements, such as conventional, cage-free, and free-range setups, to ascertain how they affect the quality of the eggshell. Best methods for managing poultry can be influenced by knowledge of how housing circumstances affect shell formation.
  • Examine how different component combinations affect the quality of eggshells and how they are used in chicken feed recipes. This involves researching how new feed components, supplements, and additives affect the thickness and strength of the shell.
  • Create and put innovative technology into use, like automated monitoring systems or non-destructive imaging methods, to evaluate the quality of eggshells. These tools can give producers immediate feedback and aid in the early detection of possible problems
  • To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of programs targeted at enhancing eggshell quality, do economic analysis. It is vital for producers to comprehend the possible return linked to the adoption of novel technologies or the implementation of improved management practices.

1Jayant Kumar Kakwani,1Akash wadal,1Prasad Shinde
1MVSc Scholar, Department of Animal Nutrition
College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry
Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology
Kumarganj, Ayodhya-224229

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