To achieve  the  targeted  hen – housed  eggs by  allocated and  providing the required feed to the birds  based on the body weight gain  and hen  day production . Place the requirement number of pan seeders in a pen using nylon rope at the specified height. Why lowering down female figures it should be in the floor.

Feeder space. Refer chart in growing field management. The type of heat given is based on the age and hand a percentage total number of female birds on that day. BPLM-from 16th week till first egg. Meals also receive PBLM from 16 th week. While blm or BLC to female change mails to BMP builder male speed for female 15 gram 1% p HDP to 32 week given on set of lay feed. Which is a type of blm first or BLC first. For females BLC fast blm first is given from 33 to 45 with and then blm second for VLC second still calling field type can be changed based on the timely decision. Eid weekly incremental weight gain are not made in line with the target, then development of sexual maturity will be affected if body weight are are depressed by more than 5%,then future reproductive performance will be received at uniformity of sexual maturity is lost.

. Delay onset of lay.

. P*** initial egg size.

. High percent of project per MS shaped eggs 

. Reduced fertility.

. Increase susceptibility broodiness.

Laws of uniformity

Flags which exit target body weight excessively in this period loss sexual and body weight uniformity giving rise to:

. Early onset of lay. Lower excise and double yolks.

. Really use hatching eggs yield..

Variable Patil ATI throughout life.

. Increase level of mortality possibly due to prolapse.

The rover fit list has to be prepared by the farm labour weekly and display in the feed weight room.Ensure the new field list every week with the signature of form labour.

Check the the accuracy of the scale quickly one way I think the standard way to measuring the actual reading in the scale.

The standard weight deviation is plus minus 50 grams. It’s not within the range rectify the same immediately the scale to be calibrated yearly once by the external service agent and some to be stamped.using the permanent marker write the said and room number is empty bag and allow kit the same body every day for transferring the field to that particular rooms. D required quantity of it is weight on the previous day evening for the next day and keep in the feed front of each room.the required quantity of it is weight on the previous day evening for next day and keep it for the feed bag in front of the room.

Use the required measuring cap for distributing the feed.

The field will be in sitting position before distributing the field in the feeder.to achieve uniform distribution for a person distribute the field for the corner of the pain into the reader. After filling the feeder from the the four corner of the pen breeder are dropdown quantity quickly within 3 minutes. While dropping down ultranet feeders should be dropped first and then balance feeders should be dropped for the uniform parts distribution. All feeders to be dropped simulated and seriously and spillage to be avoided. FIR is to be distributed in the early morning summer 3 a.m. per winter 5 a.m..

monitoring whether all the birds consume the feed properly and the birds do not wonder without required amount of space. While dropping down alternant feeders sold we drop first and then balance video should be drop for the uniform distribution. All feeders to be dropped simulated and seriously and to be avoided.if 130 grams of its purpose is required for 11 birds for feeder than 1.430 kg measuring capsule we keep ready for distribution of field in the feeder. During feed distribution the birds are to be spared live in  the pan. Clean Fida cleanup time.the entire quantity of it is to be consumed within the specified time . Use required measuring cup for distributing the feed. The funeral will be lifting position before distributing the field in the feeder.to achieve uniform distribution for a person distribution the field simulate asali from the corner of the pen into the feeder.after filling the feeder from the four corner of the feeder are drop down quickly within 3 minutes. While dropping down alternate figures should be dropped first and then balance reader should be dropped for the uniform distribution.if 130 gram for feed for what is required for 11 words for feeder than 1.430 kg measuring corp should be kept ready for distribution of field in the feeder.


During field distribution the words are to be spared every evenly in the pen. All feeders to be dropped simultaneously and appealing to the the avoided.freedom is to be distributed in the early money summer 3 a.m. winter 5. The entire quantity of it is to be consumed within the specified time by the birds.mint Street sleep quality and birds health.


To provide sanitize water to the birds always.

Ensure the water is available to the words always and they are easily accessible.

Drinker- 50 birds for drinker.

Nipple-5 to 6 words for nipple

Check whether the required number of nipple is available in the pen.

Adjust the the flow rate in the pipeline such that required amount of water is is maintained.

at the end of the day calculate the water consumption based on the water level in the tank and compare with the heat conduction. For water level in in the drinker to be two third of the brim hight.puranapool drinker flow rate is 60ml permanent up to 15 week and forum 16th week on what 80 to 100 ml per minute.

In in summer the water consumption can be four time instead of three times and in winter it can be two times.

450 gram feed the birds sold Punjab 150 ml of water for the standards.


During summer and winter the consumption of water can be increase or decrease.


Keep the empty bucket below the drinker panipal cup tilt the water from the drinker into the empty bucket dip the Bros into the basin content cleaning again and clean the enter drinker /nipple  cup. Once in 15 days the drinker parts are cleaned if the salt deposition is too high.

Cleaning agent to be used is bleaching powder.

auto drinker the cleaning is to be done twice a day and the nipple cop and nipples of tank should be cleaned with bleaching powder once in a day.

Have always substitute drinkers while doing cleaning of drinkers.


Slightly toggle the nipple once in a day to check the air lock conditions.

Egg collecting labour should be assign to toggle the nipple for the presence of water and their love status at each collections.

If leakage correct or replace with the new ones mutant seriously check and arrest leakage.

After nipple cleaning verify the height as per the the normal and adjust it age required.

Ensure the sanitize water is provided to the birds always.

Monitor and adjust of the drinker for nipple to the height of the words accordingly..

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