Do you wonder how Chickens pee, if yes, kindly read to the end…
Sometimes, it isn’t easy to know everything about something. In the case of Chicken, many chicken farmers may find this question confusing and decide to take a closer look at the chickens in their backyard. However, another question that could spool up is where does all the water go? After all, we give our chickens quiet enough water that could make any mammal pee.
As we see them grew up, we know exactly how to care for them, their lifestyles and eating habits and conclude that you know everything about them but do you try to notice if they pee or not?
Now, let’s look into it, your chickens do pee but not in the form of normal pee that we generally imagine in terms of mammals, rather, it looks like some white paste in texture that they release with their stool. And the composition usually takes place in the urinary system.
Let’s take a look at how the system functions and some basic precautions to prevent urinary diseases.
The Function of the urinary system of a chicken

The urinary system consists basically of the kidneys (lying along the chicken backbone) connected to the cloaca’s urogenital chamber by means of tubes called ureters. The kidneys are responsible for maintaining an appropriate balance of electrolytes and for filtering water and removing waste from the blood.
In humans, these waste products are expelled in urine. A healthy chicken does not excrete much liquid urine but expels blood waste in the form of semisolid uric acid, called urine salts or urates that appear as white, pasty caps on fecal droppings.
Urates may be improperly metabolized because of water deprivation, excess dietary protein, or calcium disease. Droppings may then contain more than the usual amount of urates (as occurs in spirochetosis), or urate may accumulate as pasty deposit in the joints or collects as crystals that block the ureters as in the case of infectious bronchitis.
A chicken stressed, especially heat stress, may pass liquid urine.
Tips to Prevent Urinary Problems in Chicken
With the Function of the chickens’ urinary system, the system must keep working effectively by maintaining an appropriate balance of electrolytes, and for filtering water and removing waste from the blood, the following must be adhered to strictly;
1. You must avoid feed Chicken with high protein diets if you must do in the case of molting and egg-laying, do feed them in moderate proportion.
2. It would be best if you always prevented dehydration. Ensure your chickens are with water still, this helps their digestive system and to avoid heat stress which could lead to the sudden death of your chickens
4. Avoid feed young chicks with laying pallets; this could affect their digestive system because their digestive system has not fully developed and such food would not be easily digested which could lead to chicken death and also high calcium diseases.
In conclusion
Your Chicken does pee when you go to your backyard for collecting eggs, feeding them or cleaning their poo; you have always noticed so much poop everywhere, can you recall the white part of it? Yes, that is their urine.
Now you know!!!