Grass-pastured Chicken for Your Holiday Roasts – Cayuta Sun Farm

Grass-pastured Chicken for Your Holiday Roasts – Cayuta Sun Farm

Time to stay in.

Roast a chicken.

Warm your home.

Putting a roast in the oven warms more than just the house. A roast slows us down; puts our troubles in the outside world on pause; and gives us a chance to enjoy each others’ company in the comfort of home. Cayuta Sun Farm’s tender chickens are tasty roasters because they were raised on healthy green pastures under the warm sun. These “grass-fattened” birds can be cooked any way you like, but consider putting one in the oven for your family and friends.

For just three hours next week, buy up to 10 pounds of grass-pastured chicken for $3.00 per pound!

[Fill out this form] to get your coupon for November 22nd, 2016 from 4-7 p.m. at Press Bay Alley, 118 Green Street, Ithaca.

Bring the coupon to Press Bay Alley’s Thanksgiving Farmer’s Market to enjoy a discount on our high quality chickens and to shop among the other local farms for your holiday feasts.

Thank you for your support of local, pasture and woodland-based agriculture.

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