CLIENT PROFILE: Country Golden Yolks

We are starting a regular column – Client Profile!  We will feature various clients that we work with…

CLIENT PROFILE: Country Golden Yolks


Our Story!
Country Golden Yolks is a unique poultry operation in the heart of the Fraser Valley.  It all started in 1989 when the Luteyn family bought a white laying poultry operation. Wanting to try something new, they decided to change all the white laying hens to brown and give these birds the opportunity to go outside in the pasture during the day and have a nice roosting place for at night. This is where the “Free Range Egg” came to be.
Because of the high demand for free range eggs Country Golden Yolks has grown. The Luteyn family has retired, but Country Golden Yolks is still in the family and there are now 6 farms owned and operated by new families in the Fraser valley. We all work together to ensure that your families enjoy our fresh free range eggs!

2013 10 - Country Golden Yolks

Our Product!
Country Golden Yolks Free Range Eggs are a strong brown shell and a beautiful golden yolk. We believe that the “Best food is Natural Food”  Our hens live in a neutral free range environment which means they have access to the pasture and feed on natural ground cover. They eat a special diet with no animal by-products, and high in protein. For a list of stores that carry our product you can visit our website at

Our Mission!
Our mission at Country Golden Yolks is to produce ” EGGS THE WAY NATURE INTENDED THEM TO BE”


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