Poultry Industry and Student Mixer 2024 – Poultry Innovation Partnership

One of the enduring challenges in the poultry community is finding ways to connect people with industry and on-farm expertise with agriculture students who are looking for career and volunteer opportunities. Students often enter university with a love of science and animals and feel that the only career option is veterinary medicine. Although a much needed and laudable career choice, there are many other options to choose from in the poultry world. The Get Set for your Future event introduces students to poultry professionals in fields ranging from feed and nutrition, hatching eggs, broilers and processing to research, turkeys, egg farming and, yes, poultry veterinarians! Now in its fourth year, this unique event relies on the generosity and mentorship of its industry volunteers.

The 2024 Get Set for Your Future was a three-hour event that took place on September 12 at the U of A South Campus. 33 students attended and were mentored by eight poultry professionals. The format for the 2024 event was slightly different than previous years. Experts arrived early for dinner and when students arrived 30 minutes later, they were greeted by organizers and encouraged to fill their plates and take a seat. A presentation took place while they enjoyed their meal of pizza, wings, veggies and ice cream. 

The presentation began with a welcome from PIP organizers followed by a short bio and a bit of experiential advice from each of the poultry experts. These personalized introductions allowed the students to experience the journey from student to professional with the person they would be chatting with at the tables. This was followed by a description of the ALES Mini Internship Program with the perspective of both a host (Rachelle Foss) and a participating student (Rachel Leduc.) Rachel, who is the current president of the PRC Student Club continued on to talk about the poultry club and also shared her experiences as an intern in the Netherlands. Finally, PhD student Jo Ann Chew shared her background and experiences as a grad student at the U of A. 

Poultry Industry and Student Mixer 2024 – Poultry Innovation Partnership
Rachelle Foss and Rachel Leduc presenting at the 2024 Get Set for Your Future event

After dinner and the opening presentations, the table rotations began. For the first time, experts were paired together rather than hosting individual tables. This created fewer tables, opening up discussions with like-minded commodities and allowing more time at each table. When the rooster crowed, students moved to the next table in a speed-dating style format. 

Table discussions

The Get Set for your Future event could not happen without the generous sharing of time and talents from these expert volunteers. They represent their corner of the industry, answer questions, provide mentorship and introduce the students to potential job and career options over a two hour period.  

Industry experts volunteering their time for the 2024 student/industry mixer included Susan Schafers (Egg Farmers of Alberta), Dr. Chantel Caughlin (Prairie Livestock Veterinarians), Rachelle Foss (Maple Leaf Foods – Processing), Cara Prout (Alberta Turkey Producers), Dr. Rob Renema, (Alberta Chicken Producers), Dr. Doug Korver (U of A Research/Nutrition, Nancy Robinson (Alberta Hatching Egg Producers) and Kerry Nadeau (U of A Poultry Unit and the Heritage Chicken Program.)

Students report that they were surprised by the number and variety of occupations in poultry. Conversations about raising pullets, egg farming, hatching egg, broiler and turkey farming, what it’s like to work for a big company like Maple Leaf, poultry research, running a poultry unit at a university, nutrition and the day-to-day life of a poultry veterinarian were inspiring and eye-opening.  In return, industry representatives get to meet potential employees and offer opportunities for experiential learning and internships. It’s a win-win for everybody. 

At the end of the evening, door prizes and two grand prize opportunities to “shadow an industry professional for a day” winners were announced. Networking and further conversations ensued, giving students the opportunity to dig a little deeper with the individuals and career options that most interested them. At the end of the evening, students were gifted a swag bag with items donated from industry and a dozen eggs from the Heritage Chicken Program. 

Students do not pay for the Get Set for Your Future event and experts volunteer their time because they feel it is an invaluable and priceless opportunity to connect. In return, they share the joys, highs and lows and opportunities that abound within the poultry community. Friendships are formed, career choices inspired, and a wonderful evening is had by all. 

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