Best Fun Chicken Names
- Abrahen Lincoln
- Angelina Jopeep
- Babz
- Chick Jagger
- Cluck Norris
- Eggatha Christie
- Henifer Aniston
- Sal Monella
- Tootsie
- Yolko Ono
Choosing names for your new chickens might possibly be the most fun task.
There are endless possibilities out there, so we compiled all the best names and organized them in easy-to-read categories.
From punny names like Feather Flocklear and Mary Poopins, to earthy names like Pearl and Willow, we have them all here.
Quick Jump
Best Chicken Names
Punny Chicken Names
Funny Chicken Names
Pop-Culture Chicken Names
Cute Chicken Names
Rooster Chicken Names
Pairs & Group Chicken Names
Color Chicken Names
Food & Drink Chicken Names
Earthy Chicken Names
Old Lady Chicken Names
Additional A-Z Chicken Names
We hand-picked some of the most popular names from a few categories. Keep scrolling if you’d like to see more from the categories below!
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Pun intended.
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- Abrahen Lincoln
- Albert Eggstein
- Amelia Egghart
- Angelina Jopeep
- Annie Yolkley
- Attila the Hen
- Audrey Henburn
- Bird Lancaster
- Birdzilla
- Chew-bock-a
- Chick Jagger
- Chick-a-las Cage
- Chick-eel O’neil
- Chick-ira
- Chickovsky
- Cluck Kent
- Cluck Norris
- Clucky Cheese
- Darth Egger
- David Beekham
- Edward Scissor Beak
- Eggatha Christie
- Eggdar Allan Poe
- Feather Locklear
- Goldie Hen
- Gwyneth Poultry
- Hen Solo
- Henifer Aniston
- Henneth Paltrow
- Henrique Egglecias
- Hillary Fluff
- Liam Hensworth
- Lindsay Lohen
- Little Red Riding Hen
- Mary Poopins
- Meryl Cheep
- Obi Wan Henobi
- Oprah Henfrey
- Princess Lay-a
- Roo-Paul
- Sophia Lorhen
- Yolkahontas
- Yolko Ono
Funny Chicken Names
If you have a sense of humor, you are going to enjoy these.
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- Alarm Clock
- Amarillo
- Babz
- Big Bertha
- Boc-boc
- Bossy Boots
- Bug Eater
- Chick-fil-a
- Crispy
- Cute But Psycho
- Ditsy
- Dodo
- Fiesta
- Flappy Bird
- Flash
- Homerun
- Jeepers Cheepers
- Lil’ Layin
- Loco
- Loofah
- Midget
- Mop Head
- Mother Clucker
- Nosey Nellie
- Pipsqueak
- Poop Maker
- Pox
- Psycho Suzie
- Public Nuisance
- Ruff Cluck
- Sal Monella
- Soft Boiled
- Tango Mango
- The Dodger
- The Fluffer Butters
- Toe Jam
- Trouble
- Two Left Feet
- Tyrannosaurus Pecks
- Wormy
Pop-Culture Chicken Names
Calling all Disney fans! This Disney-heavy list is full of awesome chicken names. Don’t worry, we included plenty of non-Disney names if that’s not your jam.
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- Alice
- Anastasia
- Ariel
- Arya
- Aurora
- Bashful
- Belle
- Betty White
- Cher
- Chicken Little
- Cinderella
- Cindy-Lou
- Clara Cluck
- Cruella (DeVil)
- Dixie Chick
- Doc
- Dopey
- Dutchess
- Elsa
- Goldilocks
- Grumpy
- Happy
- Henrietta
- Hermione
- Katniss
- Lady Gaga
- Lafonda
- Lucille Ball
- Maleficent
- Merida
- Minnie
- Miss Almira
- Miss Marple
- Miss Pepperpot
- Mrs. Burns
- Mrs. Frizzle
- Mrs. O’Leary
- Nala
- Pigwidgeon
- Pocahontas
- Professor McGonagall
- Rapunzel
- Road runner
- Sansa
- Sleepy
- Sneezy
- Snow White
- Thumbelina
- Thumper
- Tiana
- Tinker Bell
- Ursula
- Wendy Darling
Cute Chicken Names
Warning: some of these names were provided by 5-year-olds. You’re welcome.
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- Angel
- Baby
- Beauty
- Bizzie/Busy
- Bossy
- Bow
- Bubbles
- Chick
- Chickie
- Chirpy
- Cluck
- Clucky
- Coco
- Comet
- Cosmo
- Crackle
- Cupid
- Diva
- Doodle
- Dot/Dottie
- Dumpling
- Fleur
- Fluffy Butt
- Freckles
- Frizzle
- Glitter
- Henny
- Henny Penny
- Jazz(y)
- Jewel
- Lady Bird
- Little Bit
- Little Red
- Lovey
- Miss Pompom
- Miss Sparkles
- Mrs. Pecks
- Noelle
- Nugget
- Pecky
- Peep
- Peepers
- Pip
- Pixie
- Pompom
- Poppy
- Princess Countess
- Princess Fluffy Butt
- Princess Layer
- Puff
- Pumpkin
- Rainbow Dash
- Rebel
- Snowball
- Socks
- Sparkles
- Speckles
- Splash
- Spot
- Spotty
- Squashie
- Squeak
- Star
- Sweetie
- Tootsie
- Trixie
- Tweety
- Twizzle
- Waddles
Rooster Chicken Names
You may not have a rooster at home, but we can guarantee you’ll get a kick out of some of these names.
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Pairs & Group Chicken Names
If anyone ends up naming a pair of chickens Beavis and Butthead, please send us a picture of them, as they will be our new favorite duo.
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- Amelia and Abigail Gabble
- Beavis and Butthead
- Biscuits and Gravy
- Bo and Peep
- Bonnie and Clyde
- Bumble and Bee
- Buttons and Bows
- Cagney and Lacey
- Cherry and Blossom
- Cinnamon and Spice
- Cocoa and Mocha
- Cookies and Cream
- Doodle and Doo
- Elvis and Priscilla
- Flopsy and Mopsy
- Giggles and Wiggles
- Harry and Sally
- Hip and Hop
- Holmes and Watson
- Hugs and Kisses
- Laverne and Shirley
- Lucy and Ethel
- Mac and Cheese
- Mary and Rhoda
- Mary Kate and Ashley
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Peek and Boo
- Pip and Squeak
- Polly and Esther
- Salt and Pepper
- Salt and Vinegar
- Sonny and Cher
- Sugar and Spice
- Thelma and Louise
- Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum
- Wilma and Betty
- Yin and Yang
- Zing and Zang
- Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato
- Barbie, Skipper, and Kelly
- Beyoncé, Kelly, and Michelle
- Bidditi, Bodditi, and Boo
- Blanche, Sophia, Dorothy, and Rose
- Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup
- Charlie, Sally, Lucy, Linus, and Snoopy
- Charlotte, Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha
- Elmo, Big Bird, and Oscar
- Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather
- Ginger, Maryann, and Mrs. Howell
- Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, and Pugsley
- Green, Eggs, and Ham
- Jasmine, Aladdin, and Abu
- Kelly, Jessie, and Lisa
- Mario, Luigi, and Princess Peach
- Marsha, Jan, and Cindy
- Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, and Eeyore
- Regina, Karen, Gretchen, Cady, Janis, and Aaron
- Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Sandy, Betty, Frenchy, and Danny
- Scary, Sporty, Baby, Ginger, and Posh
- Snap, Crackle, and Pop
- Wendy, Peter Pan, and Tinkerbell
Color Chicken Names
These names are perfect for those who want a name that matches the bird, or if you just like color names.
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- Bellatrix
- Blackie
- Crow
- Ebony
- Espresso
- Mocha
- Morticia (Addams)
- Mystic
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Phantom
- Puddle
- Shade
- Shadow
- Smokey
- Blondie
- Brownie
- Buffy
- Butter
- Buttercup
- Butterscotch
- Caramel
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
- Cocoa
- Copper
- Fudge
- Goldie
- Honey
- Penny
- Alaska
- Alpine
- Angel
- Arctic
- Blanco
- Blizzard
- Charmin
- Coconut
- Cool Whip
- Cotton
- Ghost
- Ivory
- Powder
- Snowball
- Sugar
- Blue
- Bluebelle
- Hazel
- Indigo
- Lemon
- Maroon
- Olive
- Periwinkle
- Red
- Scarlet
- Sepia
- Sienna
- Taupe
- Velvet
- Violet
Food & Drink Chicken Names
We don’t recommend reading these names on an empty stomach.
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Earthy Chicken Names
You don’t have to be a tree-hugger to love these names. Is your chicken really fast? Name him/her Lightning. Perhaps you have a white hen. May we suggest Pearl?
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Old Lady Chicken Names
Darling names for darling hens. That is all.
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- Agatha
- Agnes
- Alma
- Beatrice
- Beatrix
- Bertha
- Bessie
- Blanche
- Claudine
- Constance
- Delilah
- Doris
- Dorothy
- Edith
- Edna
- Edwina
- Estelle
- Ethel
- Flo
- Florence
- Genevieve
- Georgia
- Gertrude
- Gladys
- Gloria
- Gwendoline
- Ingrid
- Irene
- Iris
- Jude
- Mabel
- Marge
- Martha
- Mary-Lou
- Maureen
- Mavis
- Mildred
- Muriel
- Myrtle
- Nancy
- Norma
- Otis
- Prudence
- Ramona
- Rita
- Ruth
- Sofia
- Trudy
- Uma
- Ursula
- Winifred
- Winnie
Additional A-Z Chicken Names
Want more names to browse? You’re in luck. Keep scrolling for more hen names.
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Know of a good chicken name that belongs here? Comment the name below and we’ll add it to the list.
“The Essential List of Chicken Names”.
“147 Chicken Names”.
“Chicken Names”.
“List of Unique Chicken Names”.
“Top 20 Pet Chicken Names”.
“Chicken Names”.
“65 of Our Favorite Chicken Names”.
“Names for Hens”.
“Over 500 Chicken Names”.