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5 Best Reasons Why You Must Raise Your Chicken Feeder
Why you need to raise your Chicken Feeder.
Just like every other day, I like spending some time with my backyard chicken, watching them as they feed while checking out for signals that could be detrimental to the health of my birds.
I observed that my chicken were wasting feeds out of excitement, probably due to morning rush. As a farmer, I wasn’t comfortable with this, considering the cost of fowl feed in the market. I started thinking, how can I corp this excess? I had a spark in my head, raise the chicken feeder.
Kindly note that raising chicken feed is not new in the poultry farming business but must often, young farmer may not be aware of this technique and old farmers may just forget to adhere to it.
Just like I thought, after raising the feeder, I was able to see

a lot of advantages in splits of minutes.
Listed below are the benefits of raising your feeder, as observed from my experience this morning.
Raising feeders stimulate vertical growth of the chicken, especially the cockerel/roaster. The birds stretched to eat from the suspended pan. Chickens are very curious animals and they easily adapt to changes and to new environmental status, especially if it does not affect their intestine.
They stretch to eat, thereby growing tall to catch up with eating more, especially the broiler breeds, their instincts tells them to eat more and to eat more from a suspended feeder, they need to stretch more which collaborated to growing taller and well rounded.
- Disease prevention and Hygienic
In my previous post I highlighted some preventive measure that are necessary to keep diseases away from your poultry farm. Less diseases,less sick birds and less mortality.
By raising the chicken feeder, it prevent your feeder from been on the floor. when the feeder are on the floor, your chicken can easily poor into the feeder which gets the feed contaminated. You can imagine if a bird is sick, it can spread this disease to other birds when the feed from the contaminated food.
Also, worthy of note is that liter materials can find their way into the feeder not suspended, with your chicken feeding on this feed mixed with litter such as sawdust can damage their intestine.Raising the feeder can easily prevent this.
I also observed that they chicken were more agile. They were feeding with vigor and agility. Naturally, broiler chicken prefer to lay on their belly and eat from the floor, if you allow this, the chicken becomes week and lazy especially when your chicken are confine in a cage. By raising the feeder, they are able to exercise their legs more often. This can be compare to local birds that are allow to roam about. You can imagine their strength due to exercising opportunity.
Like the quality department would likely say “to reduce wastage”. Wastage should not be allow in your poultry business, wasting of food is wasting of money, if you can reduce food wastage to the barest minimum, you will make more profit.
This was what drew my attention to suspending the feeder and it hard a huge return on my investment.I hard almost no wastage from the feeding pan as compare to what I usually had before now. And I am sure, it will get better.
- Prevent stronger chicken from hurting weaker ones with their claw..
Feeding in the poultry farm can be subject to survival of the fittest if the feeder are not even spread out or laying on the ground. In such condition, the able or bigger birds tends to scratch the weaker ones with their claws which can cause infection if not taking care of. But, if the feeder are suspended, the concentration of all the birds are on the feed, the rate of claw fighting is reduced and chickens can feed well.
How do you raise your chicken feeders?
This is very simple.The rule of thumb when raising chicken feeders is to use their present height. You need to raise the feeders to the level of their back. Please note that this method is most applicable for hanging feeders. For feeding troughs that you cannot hang, you need to place them on a platform.
I hope you have learnt something new.
Thank you for stopping by.